All about pivot tables part 2: Sorting

In this post, I'm going to cover how to sort a pivot table, whether it's by numerical value or alphabetical order.
Continuing from part 1 of this 4 part series, I'm going to show you how to sort the values by LARGEST TO SMALLEST. To do that:
Click on any value in the GRAND TOTAL column > Right click > Sort > Largest to Smallest. It’s not necessary to do it in this example but I'm just showing you how you'd do it.

Give pivot tables a go by replicating my example here: Crime Statistics
Notes: Categorical data and images of this tutorial are based on the following:
'Pivot' GIF sourced from
List of council areas from State Government of Victoria, Victorian Local Councils -
List of offences and offence category from Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) -
All other figures and data are my own and is for illustrative purposes only.