SUMIF is used to “sum the values in a range that meet a criteria that you specify” - Microsoft Support Office 2017. It refers to only one criteria.
Excel Formula: =SUMIF(range,criteria,[sum_range])
Formula Made Easy

In my "Mad Hatter Chocolatier" data, I want to know HOW MANY ORDERS (sum) SMITH SUPERMARKET (criteria) has placed.

Based on the above photo, if I were to fill in cell references into my Formula Made Easy table, it will look like:

Formula Applied
Putting the above references into the Excel formula, it will be:
=SUMIF(G:G,”Smith Supermarket",E:E)
If my range and sum_range were in the same column, I would omit the “sum_range” part of the formula.
What if you want to add the value of cells that meet more than one criteria? Then you'll use SUMIFS.
Download the file and give it a go here: Mad Hatter Chocolatier