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Previously, I covered “IF +OR” statements. In this post, I’m going to talk about "IF + AND".

Before I get into the crux of IF + AND, let’s define AND. AND is “used as a function word to indicate connection or addition especially of items within the same class type” - Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Excel Formula: =IF(AND(logical1, [logical2]*,...), value_if_true, value_if_false)

*Remember, elements of the formula that is in square brackets are optional.

Formula Made Easy

If you remember, the first element in an IF statement is logical_test. Notice that's missing in the formula. Instead, the AND statement replaces the logical_test element of the IF statement.


I have a list of student results from two tests: Test A and Test B. In order for the student to pass a grade, they need to score at least 50 marks in BOTH tests.

Formula Applied

If I were to fill in the cell references into my Formula Made Easy table, it will look like:

In plain English, the above formula means “if a mark in column A (Test A) is greater than or equal to 50, AND a mark in column B (Test B) is greater than or equal to 50, then the student passes (“Pass”), otherwise they “Fail”.

ALERT! Make sure to put a close bracket after the AND statement. IF and AND formulas are two separate statements combined into one formula.

After autofilling the formula to the remaining rows, the overall result looks like:




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